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Client Corner

Welcome to our home base for all things client! 


We don't just work with our clients, we actively share with them -- our perspectives, our interests, and our lives.


We pride ourselves on the client connections we've made over our decades in the industry. And that's what this space is for: continuing to foster connection, and learning more about each other along the way.

Who We Work With
— and How!

We've made some good friends over the years. Meet some of our pals... 

... and hear what they have to say about working with the Empatix team:

"I’ve worked with the leaders at EmpatiX for over 5 years. Working at a large complex organization with shifting priorities means I often need support that is seamless and offered through a partnership that feels as a true extension of my team — with people who care about the HOW as much as the WHAT.  EmpatiX brings a brilliant balance of drive to get work done that is considerate of what my customers want while balancing the needs of a business to grow and improve results.  In my years of working with this team we’ve developed strategies, achieved process improvements, enhanced capabilities, and drove design executions that led to significant improvements to customers’ experiences that manifested in key performance indicators.  


Through this collaboration they have evolved their level of support to be what my team and I need at the time. They’ve taught us the skills we need to take on work independently and evolved their support to drive us forward to the next evolution. In every interaction with the Empatix team I take away a new perspective and as a result I feel smarter and ready to take on the challenge at hand.  Additionally, this team is just plain fun to work with and sees every challenge as an opportunity.  They are as obsessed with your customer problems as they are with helping their clients look good."

– Head of Customer Experience


What Our Clients
Are Thinking About


from some of our clients!



The Tipping Point

Malcolm Gladwell

Revisionist History


Malcolm Gladwell

‘Unlocking Us’ and ‘Dare to Lead’

Brene Brown



Angela Duckworth


Tara Westover

Adam Grant


Where the Crawdads Sing

Delia Owens

The Alice Network

Kate Quinn

The Nightingale

Kristen Hannah


I Know This Much is True

Wally Lamb

A Steven King roundup:



The Stand

The Outsider


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