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Empatix Consulting

Tapping into the Needs and Perspectives of Consumers with Digital Cooperatives

In the face of growing options across all areas of life, keeping a pulse on consumers is seemingly more important than ever. At the same time, the work and lives of consumers have become more complex—making daily schedules more complicated. So, there is a need to stay connected to consumers in the way that they best respond.


Enter the Digital Cooperative.


Our Digital Cooperative solution allows for a fully digital community for consumers (and B2B audiences alike) to share their thoughts, perspectives, and feedback to specific prompts.


The Value of Digital Ethnographies


Arguably the Covid-19 pandemic is the single most impactful event over the past several years. The worldwide pandemic changed the way that people worked, lived, learned and engaged with one another. It seemed as if general connectedness evaporated overnight. Luckily, we as a society have learned to live with Covid-19 and adjust our lives to something that will be with us forever.


When in-person interactions were removed, there became a need to build social interactions in the safest way possible. This is when all the digital tools that we all know, and love came into power; Zoom became a verb and Microsoft Teams made a push into the working world. More and more people who had not necessarily engaged online before were now turning to these digital channels to stay connected to friends, family and co-workers.


As consumers became accustomed to tech in their daily lives, digital ethnographies were an absolute given and embraced communication preferences of people – text-based, online, and available at all times.


How We Do It


Through our Digital Cooperatives we combine the best of both worlds – deploying rich, human-centered insights programs, through a digital platform that accelerates learnings and meets respondents where they are.


We achieve success with our programs through:


1.       Leveraging our data + research expertise to capture the rigor you can trust

2.       Adding the human touch, with our in-house strategists, facilitators, designers, and researchers

3.       Starting with the goal in mind we shape programs with purpose and intention


Through the development of proven frameworks, we are able to craft engaging learning agendas, and use state-of-the-art tech to make it happen at the speed of your business.

Four Key Benefits of Tapping into Digital Cooperatives


Certainly, every insights exploration is unique and different so there is no one-size fits all solution. However, there are benefits to be gained through digital ethnographies; supported by our Digital Cooperative solution.


1.     Respondents Feel Empowered

By connecting with consumers through digital channels they get to play on their own turf – where they want, when they want and how they want. Because of this dynamic there is a clear sense of empowerment with consumers, ultimately helping them feel comfortable and engaged through the environment they are most comfortable with.


2.     Lower Expenses

Digital channels automatically remove expenses that come with in-person engagements – facility rentals, lodging, and meals. The cost-effective nature of Digital Cooperatives is even more important in times of tight budgets.


3.     Flexibility in Approach

Our Digital Cooperatives are built organically and can easily evolve based on the feedback from respondents. There is more time and flexibility to shape follow-ups and probes, rather than needing to immediately produce follow-ups to responses.


4.     Greater Participant Diversity

Perhaps one of the most obvious benefits of Digital Cooperatives is the far-reaching nature of technology – tapping into participants that are geographically, sociologically, and ethnically diverse. The resulting insights themselves become more inclusive and diverse as well.


 Where We Come In

At empatiX, we bring together flexible technology, moderation expertise, and industry specialties to create unique and truly actionable programs. We love helping our clients understand how their target consumers and partners think and what they need.

Curious about our Digital Cooperatives? We would love to chat! Reach out to us at



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